Wednesday 6 October 2010

Talking about poems

For National Poetry day for a week I'm going to do something we don't ususally do- not just talk about poems we love, but admit parts of them that are a mystery. I hope people won't dis me for these efforts, the aim is not to be a critic or be clever. Poetry has enough of that. The problem with poetry is maybe we worry we have to be a professor to read it- we don't. The aim is this- TALK ABOUT POEMS, no judgement, not having all the answers, but saying 'Yes! This poem speaks to me or intrigues me- whether I know all the answers or not.' I'm hoping that by being brave enough to do this other people who have the poetry fear will be encouraged to say Yes I like poems, I don't always get all of them, but that's OK.

Forgive my ignorance, don't forgive it, whatever, but say, yeah, talking about a reaction or personal
reaction to a poem is as good a place to start as any. The thing is to start.
Here goes. :)

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